Postal Strikes
Now then Yorkshire folks, it's all gone a bit postal!
As you probably know, postal workers are striking over the next few weeks for better pay and working conditions. This means that some of your orders are going to be delayed by a few days, and I expect a few to be delayed by longer, so please allow three weeks for delivery from date of order. I know that this seems like ages when you're waiting for summat, but there's really nowt I can do. I expect delays from now until mid September.
I fully support the striking workers. I'm self employed and as a sole trader the only underpaid overworked person here at Yorkshire Stuff is me. However I do work with other companies as I buy so many products and services, and one of the major services I use is Royal Mail delivery. Royal Mail has delivered thousands of orders for me over many years, so indirectly I've been employing these amazing postal workers to work for Yorkshire Stuff. They've done me proud, working through pandemics and heatwaves, and reliably delivering orders to places I've never even heard of, usually much quicker than I'd expect. Without postal workers I could not have kept my business running after March and April of 2020.
In May the Royal Mail Group announced yearly profits of £758 million - so lets hope that some of the profits make their way into the bank accounts of the people who actually did the work to make that money.
Ah'll sithee, Zoe